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Saturday, 20 August 2016 12:22

Donation Draws

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After ten years in operation, Multitool.org has grown into quite a monster.  For years I personally funded the site out of my own pocket, but as the site grew, so did the expenses.  In the old days we hosted the site for a mere $5/month, at least until we started crashing teh shared server package we were on.  We were given a polite but firm shove out the door from our first host, not because they were bad people, but because we were growing out of control for what they were providing us, and when we crashed the server we took out many other websites with us!

Friday, 12 August 2016 11:44


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Some of you may be wondering why the sudden logo change at the top of the page- it is in response to some very bad news I got last night.  One of our early members, and serious Leatherman and Victorinox collectors, Joe Wright, aka JoeBW on ours and other forums has passed away.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016 12:35

National Day of Adventure

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In 2011 the company formerly known as Wenger Swiss Army sponsored the Patagonia Expedition Race, also known as the World's Toughest Adventure Race.  Even though Wenger has been absorbed into Victorinox it seems the spirit of adventure is still alive and well with the upcoming National Day of Adventure on October 16th.

Tuesday, 09 August 2016 13:20

The Fantastic $5 Challenge

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01Assume for a moment that you want a decent multitool, but you don’t have or want to spend a lot of money. In fact, your budget is a total of $5US, including shipping. I realize this may seem a bit extreme, not to mention a bit of an impossible task, but I like extremely impossible tasks, so I thought I would give it a shot.

Looking on eBay you will find all manner of cheap tools, many from the Far East, many cheap knockoffs of existing designs from major manufacturers like Leatherman or Gerber, many from custom makers like Peter Atwood or Ray Kirk, and many that just leave you scratching your head as to what the heck they are for, or what was the designer thinking when he/she designed that?

Thursday, 04 August 2016 14:01

I like Big Trucks and I Cannot Lie

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With all due respect to Sir Mixalot, I have a deep fascination with trucks. To me, a good truck is a vehicular multitool- it carries anything you need and manages both highways and dirt tracks with relative ease no matter the weather.

Wednesday, 03 August 2016 13:15

CRKT Stepping up their game

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CRKTAnyone familiar with CRKT knives and tools knows that CRKT has never been interested in making the “same old, same old” kind of product, and you have to respect both their ability to create new and exciting products and share the lime light with their designers. Elsewhere designers aren’t credited on a product unless they have a big name, and how are you supposed to get a big name without being able to put it on anything?

Wednesday, 27 July 2016 23:31

Custom Titanium Swiss Army Knife GIVEAWAY!

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MTO SAK I know we said we were giving away a ton of things here at MTO for our 10th Anniversary.

But we meant it.

This custom Swiss Army Knife is gorgeous. 

It's a Syph007 custom milled titanium SAK! It's been specially made to celebrate Multitool.org's 10 Year Anniversary!

This custom SAK comes complete with MTO Logo engraved Ti scales, Ti liners and nickel silver tweezers.

The SAK incorporates the liners for an even slimmer yet tougher design! AMAZING! 

Want one? Want in? We're giving it away!
Visit the forum and enter the draw here. You know you want to.

After Megan and I had finished swimming for the day at a friend’s cottage (ie the impending thunderstorm chased us out of the water!) we decided to relax and open a bottle of wine. The only problem being that the rose we had bought had a cork, and we had no corkscrew as I’d misplaced my trusty yellow scaled Compact after our last trip. Luckily I have since found it, but that didn’t help us then!

Going without wine wasn’t an option, so I had to dust off an old trick that Tim Leatherman himself taught me. I’d say that he would be proud of me for remembering it, but as the only tool I had was a SOG PowerLock, I think the shine might come off that a bit…

Monday, 25 July 2016 15:59

Tenth Anniversary Multitool.org Shirts

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As part of the 10th Anniversary Celebration we are offering these Limited Time Multitool.org Shirts so that you can celebrate with pride!

What we have are two designs, in three colors each, for a total of six different shirts. 

LM 07 19 2016 FinalLeatherman USA has launched the New Skeletool RX First Responder Multi-Tool. In a release last week the company explained that the new tool will help first responders “be ready to respond quickly and safely in emergency situations.”

It looks like the tool has many of the same features of the regular Skeletool with a few minor changes. This model contains a carabiner/bottle opener, hybrid needle nose pliers/wire cutters, 154CM serrated knife and a replaceable carbide bit- strong enough to break windows.

As always, we’ll post a review as soon as we’ve had a chance to really use the New Skeletool RX First Responder Multitool.

Have you used this tool? Let us know at forum.multitool.org.

Interested in this or a different tool and still have more questions?
Why not join us over on the Multitool.org Forum where our community can help you find what you're looking for!

Join the discussion now!