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Tuesday, 18 June 2024 17:00

Kansept Korvid S Featured

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Justin Koch of Koch Tools is a respected pocket tool designer. His love for knives is evident in his creations, and people have enjoyed his handiwork for years. His designs are a blend of innovation, aesthetics, and utility. A popular knife design of his is the Korvid range; its cleaver-style blade and striking looks turn heads. The Korvid S is a fixed-blade version of that famous design. Today, we're taking a look at how it performs and if it's worth its metal.

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The Korvid S has an overall length of 6.69" and a blade length of 2.9". This particular version features an S35VN blade with blue and white carbon fiber. The cleaver-style blade is the star of the show; one look, and you know it's a Koch design. I love the shape and all the little character additions. First and foremost, cleaver-style blades were designed for breaking down meat, cutting vegetables, and other food prep-related activities. Over the last few years, cleaver blades have become quite the rage. I think a lot of this popularity is due to the fact that it's something different—a fresh perspective on the everyday carry knife. A good way to look at the cleaver design is that it's the knife equivalent of safety scissors. The lack of a pronounced tip makes it great for situations where a pointy blade isn't required. The shape is great for cutting straps, breaking down cardboard, sharpening carpenter's pencils, etc.

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The fuller on the blade is a nice touch, adding some visual flair. The full flat grind helps this blade cut with ease. I've seen a huge shift in the market where full flat grinds are popular. Hollow and Sabre grinds were the norm for a while; it's nice seeing this shift. Ever since becoming a Spyderco fan, I've appreciated the full flat grind. I love the blend of strength and cutting performance. The S35VN steel is perfect for a fixed blade; its edge-holding abilities combined with ease of sharpening make it a great choice. The stainless properties are great too; nothing's better than being able to put a wet blade back in its sheath and not have to worry too much.

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The jimping on the spine combined with a scoop on the spine makes for two areas for thumb placement on the blade. For normal use, the jimping works great, and when you want finer control or perhaps more power, you use the scoop. The knife is super comfortable to use in all the situations I put it up against. The handle's gentle arc makes it conform to the natural shape of your hand. The carbon fiber used is Kansept's type of Fat Carbon. It adds a beautiful visual to what would normally be a handle that's very one-note. While carbon fiber may add a lot of strength to the handle, it offers very little for grip. If you're going to use your Korvid S in situations where it'll get wet, dirty, and be used hard, you might want to consider micarta.

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Carrying your Korvid S is easy thanks to the included Kydex sheath. Rather than traditional mounting via Tek-lok, the sheath uses a pocket clip. The clip is mounted to the Kydex using Chicago screws. Other than that clip, everything is standard, which means you could switch to standard mounting if you choose to. The pocket clip works extremely well; there's decent depth to the clip, and it has good tension. The only downside to this type of carry is the amount of knife that will poke above your pocket. Of course, this is no worse than using an UltiClip, which is usually my go-to.

The Korvid S is a unique blade that's bound to turn heads. Its defining characteristic is great for all types of scenarios where a traditional blade is used. It carries easily thanks to the included pocket clip, and it makes it easy to retrieve. If you're looking to spice things up with something different from your run-of-the-mill knife styles, grab a Korvid.

David Bowen

As Co Founder of Multitool.org David has been a multitool enthusaist since the 90's.  David has always been fascinated with the design inginuity and uselfulness of multitools.

David is always looking forward to what's new in the industry and how the humble multitool continues to evolve as it radically changes and improves the lives of users.

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