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Monday, 04 March 2024 06:50

TSPROF Pioneer

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TSProf is a Russian brand that got its start back in 2010. Thier goal was to make comprehensive sharpening available to all by using only the best, safest and most sustainable materials. The company produces the sharpening systems in Izhevsk, and it's known for its defense, engineering and metallurgy industries. TSProf wanted to reflect the craftsmanship that Izhevsky was famous for. All the parts of their sharpeners are CNC machined with extremely tight tolerances, while all final assembly and inspection is done the old-fashioned way.

Today we're taking a look at the company's latest model, the Pioneer. It's the most compact and lightweight system TSProf has made, coming in at 1.4kg (3.08 lbs). TSProf's models share similarities but you can see that each model fits a niche, some are better for some things than others. The Pioneer is meant to be extremely compact and have the ability to fold down and be disassembled with ease. That's a cool feature, because the company's other models can dominate a tabletop like the K03.


Thursday, 08 February 2024 01:32

KME Precision Sharpening System

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KME has been around for over a decade and was conceived when a friend was having difficulty sharpening his broadheads. Ron volunteered to see if he could come up with a way to make it easier. He came up with a device that was rudimentary but functional. After refining the design their self-aligning broadhead sharpener was born. A few years later Ron adapted this system to knife sharpening and the rest is history as they say.

The company's ethos is to create products that simplify the process of sharpening. They take tremendous pride in their products and it's evident in materials, craftsmanship, and customer service. Today we're taking a look at the KME Sharpening system and some accessories.

Monday, 05 February 2024 20:11

Edge Pro Apex

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Edge Pro Inc is another one of those companies whose founder had developed a product for his personal needs. Ben Dale president of Edge Pro developed the sharpener for his own use on a commercial knife route, he built 100 prototypes and sharpened over 100,000 knives over a 10-year period. His father taught him to sharpen, and he has always been fascinated by it. Dale felt working with knife sharpeners by hand was too slow and he began working on a better way. For years, he just kept sharpening and designing.

That rich history is translated into the quality products that Edge Pro makes. Today we're checking out the Apex model, it's a model that's a staple in the company's lineup and the most popular. The Apex can handle any blade up to 3 ½ wide including serrated knives. Because of its design knives can be sharpened at the same angle every time. This helps take the guess work out of finding your angle and making sure you keep it. This unique system doesn't have a clamp like similar systems, this allows for a variety of blade lengths and shapes. I'm a sucker for domestically made product and the Apex is proudly made in Hood River, OR.

Saturday, 13 January 2024 23:22

Sharpworx Utility Sharpener

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Man has been sharpening knives ever since he could fashion them. The jump from obsidian blades to metal was pivotal in our growth as a species, without it, we'd literally be stuck in the Stone Age. With the constant upgrades in steel composition, and edge holding ability, we still need to sharpen them. Sharpening has largely stayed the same over the centuries, we've merely created gadgets to aid those of us who lack this age-old talent.

One of these gadgets is an interesting take on a guided sharpener. Mark from Sharpworx created a system that mimics the motions you make when you sharpen by hand. His system has many models, but today we are taking a look at his Utility Sharpener.

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Sunday, 03 December 2023 06:15

Horl 1993 Rolling Knife Sharpener

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I tend to cover a lot of sharp things but rarely talk about things made to keep them sharp. On social media I've been bombarded by advertisements for a sharpening device by Tumblerware called a rolling knife sharpener. I thought it seemed strange, maybe even gimmicky compared to other systems I've used in the past. I started reading the comments in these posts to see what people thought. Mixed in with the comments was folks pointing out that this sharpener was a copycat, and they stole the ideal from a company called Horl.

Otmar Horl and his son Timo launched the first Horl sharpener in 2016 and in 2020 launched the Horl 2 collection. This collection includes accessories like additional stones, and a leather strop for refining the edge. The Horl rolling sharpening system consists of two parts, an angle guide that holds the blade in place for sharpening, and a double-sided cylinder that's rolled back and forth to hone the edge. The Horl 2 system has a diamond disc on one side and a ceramic disc on the other. The diamond disc is designed to fix your edge, while the ceramic one helps further refine the edge.


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