We talk an awful lot about Swiss Army Knives around here, but what is going on in the US? Well, there's this USMC Milk knife from Imperial- how's that?
This Victorinox model is not a Swiss Army Knife as it has no knife, or indeed any of the tools normally found on a typical Swiss Army style knife!
Multitools come in all different shapes, sizes and functions- like this KeySmart Pro, which, as you can see is well used!
We see a lot of tools oriented to military and emergency workers, but what about a tool dedicated to having a good time? For that, you need the Triple Play from Columbia River Knife and Tool (CRKT).
People often ask me what is the best tool- and the answer is simple. You can always your time, think of the features you want most in a tool, or you can buy a Victorinox Spirit and be happy!
What kind of people would write collect and review multitools? Quite simple really- we are designers and do-ers, outdoors types and indoor types, mechanics, doctors, problem solvers and problem makers. As such, we have, as a world spanning community, put every type, size and version of multitool, multifunction knife, pocket knife and all related products to every test we could manage in as many places and environments as there are.